Perquisition at the host of Ingerop leaked data

We noticed that since yesterday, Ingerop documents (subcontractor of the Cigeo project) are not anymore accessible on the Internet. According to multiple articles from the german press, including this one (in german), the host of the data (Systemausfall) was under a house search yesterday at 20h by the german police in Dortmund. The search would have been justified by the hosting of data coming from a french company, including blueprints of french prisons and of the french nuclear power station of Fessenheim.

In response to the search, the german version of Indymedia platform published a call for a demo this evening in Dortmund (in german). In the call we learn that the search touched numerous other groups and associations which had their offices in the same place (german cops did that too while they were at it).

Solidarity with the people touched by the search.

Call out for donation :

systemausfall (in german)

translation (automatic one sorry)

Yesterday evening / night, the LKA Cologne and the Kripo Dortmund searched a friendly project and seized one of our servers. As indicated by the search warrant, these were documents published through the server in question. The following services are currently not available: memory, parts and the websites of some projects.

With we want to support people and groups in their social, social and political work. For this we provide our services free of charge. While we are responsible for the technical side, our users are responsible for the content and we expect a corresponding considerate use of the provided services.

The people in Dortmund are certainly looking forward to donations to settle the damage caused:

Owner: Wissenschaftsladen Dortmund
IBAN: DE82430609674007342300
GLS Community Bank Bochum

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